Spanish Beginner Podcast Episode 2

Fidel Ugochukwu Perez

Language Talks Podcast: Episode 3 – My Daily Routine with Fidel Ugochukwu Perez

[Intro Music]

Fidel Ugochukwu Perez: Hello, dear listeners, and welcome back to another episode of Language Talks Podcast! For those tuning in for the first time, I’m Fidel Ugochukwu Perez, your host on this language-learning journey.

Our podcast is dedicated to helping English learners improve their English skills while exploring the beauty of other languages and cultures. You can find the transcript for this episode in the description or show notes below.

Let me take you through the early hours of my day, a time I believe sets the tone for everything that follows.

At precisely 5 am, my alarm clock rings, pulling me gently out of my slumber and signaling the start of a brand-new day. This early wake-up call is not just a habit but a conscious choice I’ve made to seize the day and make the most of the precious hours ahead.

As a devout Christian, my morning begins with a spiritual touch. The very first thing I do upon waking up is dedicate time to my morning devotion.

This sacred ritual serves as a cornerstone of my day, offering me a moment of tranquility, reflection, and connection with my faith. It’s a peaceful time where I can express gratitude, seek guidance, and set positive intentions for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

After nourishing my soul with devotion, I transition to nourishing my body. Physical well-being is paramount to me, and I prioritize it by engaging in home workouts. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, I make it a point to break a sweat and get my heart pumping.

I find that starting my day with exercise not only invigorates my body but also sharpens my mind. It boosts my mood, enhances my focus, and sets a proactive tone for the rest of the day. Exercise is my natural caffeine—it wakes me up, energizes me, and prepares me to tackle whatever challenges or opportunities the day may bring.

As I wrap up my workout, I have a simple yet powerful morning ritual that I swear by—I drink a glass of water. Hydration is the cornerstone of health and vitality, and it’s a practice I never overlook.

Drinking water first thing in the morning kickstarts my metabolism, flushes out toxins, and hydrates my body after hours of sleep. It’s a refreshing and revitalizing way to replenish lost fluids and ensure that I’m starting my day on the right foot—hydrated, energized, and ready to take on the world.

So, there you have it—my personal morning routine, a blend of spiritual devotion, physical exercise, and mindful hydration.

These rituals are more than just habits; they are intentional choices that contribute to my overall well-being, productivity, and zest for life. They ground me, energize me, and prepare me to embrace each day with purpose, passion, and positivity.

See also  Spanish Beginner Podcast Episode 2

Let’s shift gears and delve into another passion of mine that occupies a prominent place in my daily life—blogging.

Writing has always been a powerful outlet for me, a medium through which I can articulate my thoughts, express my creativity, and connect with others on a deeper level. Over the years, blogging has evolved from a hobby to a significant part of my daily routine, allowing me to combine my love for writing with my interests in health, wellness, and various other topics.

I am the proud founder and curator of two distinct blog sites, each catering to different facets of my personality and interests. The first is, a wellness and health-focused blog where I share insights, tips, and personal experiences related to living a healthy, balanced life.

At, you’ll find a treasure trove of resources designed to inspire, educate, and empower readers to take proactive steps towards improving their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

From nutritious recipes and fitness routines to mindfulness practices and holistic health tips, this platform serves as a comprehensive guide for anyone committed to embracing a healthier lifestyle.

My second blog, is a general niche blog where I explore a wide range of topics that capture my curiosity and spark my interest. Whether it’s technology trends, travel adventures, book reviews, or personal development insights, this platform is a reflection of my diverse interests and eclectic taste.

Blogging for me is more than just a means of self-expression; it’s a dynamic platform that enables me to connect with like-minded individuals, engage in meaningful conversations, and build a community around shared interests and passions. It’s a continuous journey of learning, growing, and evolving as a writer, content creator, and influencer in my own right.

I invite you to visit and to explore the content, join the conversation, and become part of these vibrant online communities. Whether you’re seeking inspiration for your health journey, looking to expand your knowledge on various topics, or simply curious to see the world through my eyes, there’s something for everyone on these platforms.

So, whether it’s through sharing wellness wisdom on or diving into diverse discussions on  blogging remains a cherished passion that allows me to make a positive impact, foster connections, and inspire others to live their best lives.

Now, let’s talk about how I nourish my body to keep my energy levels high and maintain a balanced lifestyle throughout the day.

First things first, when it comes to kickstarting my morning, I reach for a comforting cup of black tea. This aromatic and flavorful beverage serves as my morning elixir, providing a gentle caffeine boost that helps me shake off any lingering grogginess and sets a positive tone for the day ahead.

See also  Healthy Living

SEE ALSO: Nigerian Music

Unlike coffee, which can sometimes be too strong and jarring for my system, black tea offers a smoother, more nuanced caffeine experience. It awakens my senses, sharpens my focus, and infuses me with a sense of calm and clarity. Plus, the ritual of brewing and savoring a cup of tea adds a touch of mindfulness to my morning routine, allowing me to ease into the day with grace and gratitude.

Moving on to meals, I firmly believe in the power of a hearty lunch to fuel my body and sustain my energy levels throughout the afternoon. I prioritize nutrient-dense, balanced meals that are rich in protein, healthy fats, fiber, and a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.

A typical lunch for me might include grilled chicken or tofu, quinoa or brown rice, a generous serving of leafy greens, and a vibrant assortment of seasonal veggies. I also love experimenting with different flavors, spices, and cuisines to keep my meals exciting, diverse, and delicious.

While I enjoy indulging in flavorful and satisfying meals during the day, I’m mindful of my eating habits in the evening. I make it a point not to eat late at night, especially heavy or rich foods that can disrupt digestion and interfere with sleep.

Sleep is a crucial component of overall health and well-being, and I prioritize creating a calm and conducive environment for restful slumber. By avoiding late-night meals, I give my body ample time to digest and metabolize food, allowing it to enter a relaxed state and prepare for rejuvenating sleep.

My morning fuel and meals are designed to nourish my body, boost my energy, and support my overall health and well-being. Whether it’s a soothing cup of black tea to start my day or a wholesome, balanced lunch to sustain me through the afternoon, I make conscious choices to fuel my body with love, care, and respect.

Apart from blogging, I have a passion for music and songwriting. While I don’t write songs every day, I make sure to indulge in this creative outlet whenever inspiration strikes. Music is a powerful form of self-expression, and it brings me immense joy and fulfillment.

When I’m in the mood for some musical relaxation, I pick up my acoustic rhythm guitar and play some tunes. It’s a therapeutic activity that helps me unwind and recharge.

Alright, let’s switch gears and dive into Spanish lessons that I do almost every day. I’m already at intermediate level and I’ve prepared some simple phrases that you can easily incorporate into your daily conversations, that’s if you would like to join me. These phrases are not only practical but also fun to use, adding a touch of Spanish flair to your interactions.

See also  I Will Call You

For today’s Spanish lesson, let’s learn some simple phrases that you can use in your daily conversations:

Hola – Hello

Buenos días – Good morning

 Gracias – Thank you

Por favor – Please

Adiós – Goodbye

here’s a simple 5-line conversation in Spanish between Juan and Maria

Juan: Hola, María. ¿Cómo estás hoy?

(Hello, Maria. How are you today?)

María: Hola, Juan. Estoy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?

(Hello, Juan. I’m fine, thank you. And you?)

Juan: También estoy bien, gracias por preguntar.

(I’m also fine, thanks for asking.)

María: ¿Qué planes tienes para hoy?

(What plans do you have for today?)

Juan: Voy a estudiar y luego salir a cenar con amigos.

(I’m going to study and then go out for dinner with friends.)

I encourage you to practice these phrases and incorporate them into your daily interactions. Learning a new language not only enhances your communication skills but also broadens your horizons and enriches your cultural understanding.

Remember, learning a new language is not just about memorizing words and phrases; it’s about embracing a new way of thinking, communicating, and connecting with others. It broadens your horizons, enhances your cultural understanding, and enriches your life in ways you never imagined.

That wraps up today’s episode about my daily routine. I hope you found it insightful and inspiring. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to language learning and personal development. Keep pushing forward, stay motivated, and never stop learning!

Don’t forget to check out the transcript for this episode in the description or show notes below. If you have any questions, comments, or topics you’d like me to cover in future episodes, please feel free to reach out.

[Outro Music]

Fidel Ugochukwu Perez: So I’m going to sign off using Spanish language but I’ll translate it.

 ¡Muchas gracias por escuchar este episodio de Language Talks Podcast! Si tienes preguntas, comentarios o sugerencias, no dudes en enviarme un correo electrónico a Estoy aquí para ayudarte y me encantaría escuchar tus pensamientos. ¡Hasta la próxima!

(Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Language Talks Podcast! If you have questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to email me at I’m here to help and would love to hear your thoughts. Until next time! Bye-bye)


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